I’m Pregnant
If you're facing an unintended pregnancy or have recently given birth, we're here for you with free and confidential all-options counseling, resources, and support. Call or text our pregnancy counselors 24/7 at 800-439-0233.
If you're facing an unintended pregnancy or have recently given birth, we're here for you with free and confidential all-options counseling, resources, and support. Call or text our pregnancy counselors 24/7 at 800-439-0233.
Browse our network of adoption services including infant and foster care adoption, home studies, and post-adoption support.
Explore our network of services including specialized counseling and support groups that help to stabilize and improve behavioral health symptoms.
Looking for Adoptions Together or FamilyWorks Together? New name, same us. Here’s why!
Paths for Families provides customizable trainings and coaching sessions for child and family serving agencies and organizations. Our training areas of expertise include trauma, attachment, clinical issues associated with foster care and permanency including grief & loss, understanding neurobiology, and creating a trauma-responsive framework for working with clients. Our trainings help to build trauma-informed, trauma-responsive, and resilience building programs and organizations. CEUs and/or certificates of attendance are available for all training participants.
Learn more about our federally funded project, Transforming Prince George's County Through Trauma-Informed Care, and inquire to partner with us. We are seeking additional organizations to whom we can offer a series of conversations, trainings, and coaching that will enhance the understanding of the holistic impact of primary and secondary traumatic experiences for clients, professionals, and the systems in which their organizations operate.
A trauma-informed approach is critical to creating safety and healing. We understand the complex and lasting impacts of trauma on the communities we serve and the impact of vicarious trauma on ourselves as helping professionals. We are committed to helping organizations create a trauma-informed model that recognizes and respects the impact of trauma at all levels.
If you are a professional seeking trauma informed guidance or support, our team of clinicians is available to provide consultation services. Child welfare, mental health, health, educators, and other professionals can benefit from these services. Consultation topics range from clinical guidance on case specific issues related to permanency, foster care, and adoption to trauma informed organizational guidance.