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Media Recommendations for Birth Parents and Professionals

Browse our library of books, articles, podcasts, and resource organizations which we recommend to expectant & birth parents as well as adoption professionals. Various topics are included with resources either explicitly directed to birth parents or explore relevant subjects.

Free Expectant Parent Counseling

Supportive Media for Birth Parents and Professionals

We maintain curated lists of resources that offer valuable insights, guidance, and reflections pertinent to expectant/birth parents and professionals looking to provide informed care. You’ll find voices of lived experience and other experts exploring personal narratives, histories both individual and systemic, trauma and psychology, and investigations into the structures that impact birth parents.

Paths for Families is proud to offer counseling to expectant parents and birth parents no matter how long ago they placed, contact us to learn more.

For Expectant Parents


All-Options Talkline 

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Pregnancy Option Workbook: A Guide for those Facing a Pregnancy Decision

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Books: Adoption Specific


Adoption Nation 

Adam Pertman

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Adoption Unfiltered Revelations from Adoptees, Birthparents, Adoptive Parents, and Allies 

Sara Easterly, Kelsey Vander Vliet Ranyard & Lori Holden

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American Baby: A Mother, a Child, and the Shadow History of Adoption

Gabrielle Glaser

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Birthmothers: Women Who Have Relinquished Babies for Adoption Tell Their Stories

Merry Bloch Jones

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Finding Hope: A Birthmother’s Journey into the Light

Hope O. Baker

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Life Givers: Framing the Birth Parent Experience in Open Adoption

James L. Gritter

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God and Jetfire: Confessions of a Birth Mother

Amy Seek

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Seven Core Issues in Adoption and Permanency 

Sharon Kaplan Roszia & Allison Davis Maxon

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Relinquished: The Politics of Adoption and the Privilege of American Motherhood 

Gretchen Sisson

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The Baby Market: The Case for Adoption Reform 

Anne Moody

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Saying Goodbye to Baby: A Counselor’s Guide to Birth Parent Loss and Grief in Adoption 

Patricia Roles

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The Girls Who Went Away: The Hidden History of Women Who Surrendered Children for Adoption in the Decades Before Roe v. Wade 

Ann Fessler

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Books: Grief and Loss


Finding Meaning 

David Kessler

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It Didn’t Start with You: How Inherited Family Trauma Shapes Who we are and How to End the Cycle 

Mark Wolynn

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It’s Ok That You’re Not Ok 

Megan Devine

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Man’s Search for Meaning 

Victor Frankl

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Mother Brain 

Chelsea Conaboy

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The Body Keeps the Score 

Bessel van der Kolk

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The Grieving Brain: The Surprising Science of How We Learn from Love and Loss 

Mary-Frances O’Connor

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The Healing Choice: Your Guide to Emotional Recovery After an Abortion 

Candace De Puy & Dana Dovitch

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The Wild Edge of Sorrow: Rituals of Renewal and the Sacred Work of Grief 

Francis Weller

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You Can Heal Your Heart: Finding Peace After a Breakup, Divorce, or Death

Louise Hay & David Kessler

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Alan Wolfelt grief booklets: 

  • Expected Loss: Coping with Anticipatory Grief
  • Too Much Loss: Coping with Grief Overload
  • The Guilt of Grief: How to Understand, Embrace, and Restoratively Express Guilt and Regret after a Loss
  • The Other Losses: Acknowledging and Mourning All Your Losses Along Life’s Path
  • The Anger of Grief: How to Understand, Embrace, and Restoratively Express Explosive Emotions after a Loss
  • Complicated Grief: How to Understand, Express, and Reconcile Your Especially Difficult Grief 
  • Cherishing: The Art of Fully Living While Still Loving and Honoring those Who’ve Died




Birth Parent’s Guide to Grief: A 12 Step Process 

Jessalynn Speight & Alysia Foote

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Grow, Flower & Flourish: A Birth Parent Journal 

On Your Feet Foundation

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How to Carry What Can’t Be Fixed: A Journal for Grief 

Megan Devine

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Revealing You: A Journal for Birth Mothers 

Michelle Thorne

(Please note: This resource is a Christian workbook) 

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Resource Organizations


AdoptMatch Resource Database for Birth Parents


Birth Mammha app


Birth Moms Today


Brave Love


Knee to Knee


On Your Feet Foundation


Postpartum Support International


Tied at the Heart


Weaving Threads



Birth Mothers Amplified 

Muthoni & Emma


Birth Moms Real Talk 

D. Yvonne Rivers


Twisted Sisterhood Podcast 

Ashley Mitchell & Kelsey Vander Vliet Ranyard


Creating A Family 

Creating a Family


The Triad Podcast: Straight to the Heart of Adoption 

Hope O. Baker, Sharon Obazee & Shelbi Walker

For Professionals

Birth Parent Grief in Adoption

Meshan Lehmann

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Non-Death Loss and Grief: Context and Clinical Implications First Edition edited 

Darcy L Harris

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Grief Counseling and Grief Therapy 

William Worden

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Loss, Trauma, and Resilience: Therapeutic Work With Ambiguous Loss

Pauline Boss

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Out of the Shadows, a film about birth moms

Watch on Vimeo

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