I’m Pregnant
If you're facing an unintended pregnancy or have recently given birth, we're here for you with free and confidential all-options counseling, resources, and support. Call or text our pregnancy counselors 24/7 at 800-439-0233.
If you're facing an unintended pregnancy or have recently given birth, we're here for you with free and confidential all-options counseling, resources, and support. Call or text our pregnancy counselors 24/7 at 800-439-0233.
Browse our network of adoption services including infant and foster care adoption, home studies, and post-adoption support.
Explore our network of services including specialized counseling and support groups that help to stabilize and improve behavioral health symptoms.
Looking for Adoptions Together or FamilyWorks Together? New name, same us. Here’s why!
Adoptions Together joins NBC4 to highlight children in foster care, Potomac Lifestyle reports.
Currently, there are more than 391,000 children in the U.S. foster care system. Those eligible for adoption wait an average of nearly three years to be placed in a permanent home. “It’s not good for a child to not know each day —who’s my family, where am I going to be, and if I misbehave, am I going to get kicked out?” Adoptions Together founder and CEO Janice Goldwater says. She shares the story of a child’s former school bus driver spotting him on TV and reaching out to her agency. “She said, I always loved that child; he’s a great kid and I had no idea he was in foster care. I’d like to know about him. And I’d like to consider adopting him.”