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If you're facing an unintended pregnancy or have recently given birth, we're here for you with free and confidential all-options counseling, resources, and support. Call or text our pregnancy counselors 24/7 at 800-439-0233.
If you're facing an unintended pregnancy or have recently given birth, we're here for you with free and confidential all-options counseling, resources, and support. Call or text our pregnancy counselors 24/7 at 800-439-0233.
Browse our network of adoption services including infant and foster care adoption, home studies, and post-adoption support.
Explore our network of services including specialized counseling and support groups that help to stabilize and improve behavioral health symptoms.
Looking for Adoptions Together or FamilyWorks Together? New name, same us. Here’s why!
“I can’t tell you how fortunate we feel, to have this life with Jake. It is a blessing to wake up every day and realize as a gay man, I am legally married to my husband and that we have a son. I still have to pinch myself to believe this is real. We are part of a growing movement in forming a new type of family. But in the end — family is family. And ours is a solid one.” - Joe Summerill
As America celebrates Father’s Day, Jake Summerill-Bizzell takes part in a double celebration.
A few years after their commitment ceremony in 2003, Joe Summerill and Wes Bizzell, both attorneys, adopted newborn Jake, from a young mother who gave birth at Baltimore’s St. Agnes Hospital. The two dads had another ceremony in 2010, attended by their son, when they became husband and husband, after same-sex unions became legal,
Jake calls Summerill “Dad”, and he calls Bizzell “Papa”.
The two were among the first gay partners to adopt a child with the Maryland-based non-profit agency Adoptions Together, founded in 1990 by Janice Goldwater, CEO of the organization.
“I started the agency because there was a gap in the adoption community,” Goldwater said. “Many religious organizations only served their own kind. There was no organization that welcomed single parents, same-sex parents, married couples of all religions and all races.
“We wanted to serve every child who was in need of a family.”
Here, Joe Summerill reflects on being the recipient of the prize of that work — the gift of Jake, a baby raised by two fathers who is now a healthy, strong, confident and deeply loved teenager.