Paths for Families Paths for Families


  • Navigating Adoption
    I’m Pregnant

    I’m Pregnant

    If you're facing an unintended pregnancy or have recently given birth, we're here for you with free and confidential all-options counseling, resources, and support. Call our pregnancy counselors 24/7 at 800-439-0233.

    I Want to Adopt

    I Want to Adopt

    Browse our network of adoption services including infant and foster care adoption, home studies, and post-adoption support.

    I Need Post-Adoption Support

    I Need Post-Adoption Support

    Explore our network of services including specialized counseling and support groups that help to stabilize and improve behavioral health symptoms.

  • Counseling & Support
  • Training & Education


Looking for Adoptions Together or FamilyWorks Together? New name, same us. Here’s why!

I Want to Adopt

Webinar Package: International Adoption

Package of Five Webinars Focused on International Adoption • $85 • 5.3 hours

Access Package

A man spreads his arms wide while his daughter pretends to fly on his back

This package includes the following webinars:

  • Complicated Children: Managing their Behavior While Helping Them to Heal
  • International and Domestic Adoption Medicine 101
  • Interracial Adoption and Parenting
  • Trauma, Attachment, and the Developing Brain
  • Understanding Blocked Care and Strategies for Moving Forward

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