Paths for Families Paths for Families


  • Navigating Adoption
    I’m Pregnant

    I’m Pregnant

    If you're facing an unintended pregnancy or have recently given birth, we're here for you with free and confidential all-options counseling, resources, and support. Call or text our pregnancy counselors 24/7 at 800-439-0233.

    I Want to Adopt

    I Want to Adopt

    Browse our network of adoption services including infant and foster care adoption, home studies, and post-adoption support.

    I Need Post-Adoption Support

    I Need Post-Adoption Support

    Explore our network of services including specialized counseling and support groups that help to stabilize and improve behavioral health symptoms.

  • Counseling & Support
  • Training & Education


Looking for Adoptions Together or FamilyWorks Together? New name, same us. Here’s why!

I Need Post-Adoption Support

Adoptee and Birth Parent Search & Reunion

Are you an adoptee placed through Adoptions Together or a birth parent who entrusted your child's adoption to Adoptions Together? Our comprehensive services are tailored to guide you through every aspect of the search, contact, and reconnection process between adoptees and birth families.

Inquire Now

Birth mother and adult adoptee stand together

If you are an adoptee placed by Adoptions Together looking for your birth family, or a birth parent who placed with Adoptions Together, we can help with every step of the search, contact, and reconnection process.

If your adoption was finalized in the state of Maryland, adoptees must be 21 or older to initiate this process due to legal restrictions. If your adoption was finalized in the state of Virginia, you can begin the S&R process at 18 years old.If your adoption was finalized in another state, please reach out to Claire to determine the specific laws of that state regarding S&R.

For placements that took place in Maryland, the first step will be to register on the state database:

Mutual Consent Voluntary Adoption Registry (MCVAR)

Once you have done so, or if the placement took place in a different state, please reach out to Claire—

We also offer counseling services that are responsive to your needs as an adoptee or birth parent no matter how long ago placement occurred, learn more and inquire today.

Adoptive families looking for ChildConnect or to learn about search & reunion, contact mediation, and/or meeting facilitation services can learn more about these services here: Post-Adoption Support Services.

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